South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. (SCARC)

This is Nathan VK5DAD.Here at the South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. (SCARC) we are very proud and honoured to be Sponsored by KernWi-Fi .
KernWi-Fi has set up our 70cm C4FM Fusion Wires X repeater on only 4G cellular data and is a first in the world, many overseas amateur radio operators and clubs taking a very keen interest.This enables our members to make contacts all over the world on hand held , car and base station radio.The repeater is also linked to various other repeaters here is South Australia and world wide though Wires X.It is fantastic when a local South Australian grown business supports a community radio club and All of us at the South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. (SCARC) say a huge thank you.
Thank you and 73s
Nathan Vk5DAD